Table Rock Fork of the Molalla River

Second Bridge to Red Dog Day Use Site
Class: 3-4
Length: 5 miles
Season: Rainy

The upper section of the Table Rock Fork of the Molalla River is a great intermediate run for up and coming creek boaters. Although most of the drops are small, the continuous nature of the rapids keeps boaters on their toes. The road is always close which allows for easy scouting during the shuttle and an escape route if the rapids are too demanding.

River Description

River Description

The first major rapid (The Pinch) is about a mile below the put-in immediately after a sharp left hand turn. It is easily recognized by steep rock walls on either side of the river and boulders that block much of the river. The Pinch can be run right or left but both contain hazards and often are blocked by wood. The second half of the Pinch contains a nearly river-wide hole on a sharp left bend. Immediately below the next set of waves, eddy out left in order to enter the left channel around an island. The right channel has a dangerous river-wide log with only very small eddies above it for stopping.

The remainder of the run is continuous boulder gardens with the occasional larger rapid. There are very few pools but eddies abound at most water levels. The last mile before the take-out has a couple of harder rapids than rest of the run.



Wood and overhanging brush can always be a possible problem. Be sure to scout carefully on the drive up, check for local information and scout if necessary on the way down the river.

The Pinch, about a mile below the put-in, should be scouted both from the road and the river. The log in the right channel of the island below the Pinch can be scouted from the road. The last mile should be scouted on the shuttle.

Special Note:
Below the regular take-out the river begins to move away from the road into a deep gorge . The gorge is runnable at lower water(Class 5) but develops several dangerous features when the regular run is at optimum water level. The gorge can be viewed from the road on the way to the regular take-out but the most dangerous drop is hidden just downstream of the viewpoint.

How to get there

Take-out (GPS: 44.980969°, -122.386233°)

From downtown Molalla (18 miles southeast of Portland), travel east take the first right to Feyrer County Park at the east edge of town. From Feyrer County Park, cross the river and turn right on Dickey Prairie Road. Go upriver and pass through the community of Dickey Prairie. Continuing upriver, Dickey Prairie Road crosses the North Fork Molalla and after 0.2 mile the Glen Avon bridge is on the right, crossing the Molalla River. Turn right and follow this road along the Molalla for about 13 miles. To reach the take-out, stay left onto the Table Rock Road just before crossing a bridge over the Table Rock Fork. Continue on the Table Rock road another 1.8 miles to a parking area on your right.


Put-in (GPS: 44.990383°, -122.303269°)

To reach the upper most put-in, continue upstream 5 miles to a spur road on the right. Put-in at the bridge over the river on this spur road. In recent years, most people put-in at a roadside pullout just below the Pinch. This avoids the Pinch which has been less friendly recently and also avoids the dangerous log next to the island.

Molalla River at Wilhoit

The Wilhoit gauge is downstream of this run and below the confluence with the main Molalla and Table Rock Fork. Depending on the freezing level and timing of rain, it doesn't doesn't always correspond well to flows in the upper river. In general, 4.5' is a good minimum. Most of the run can be seen from the road so take a look before you begin and decide for yourself.

More Info
Check out Jason's description of this run.